Adam Berry
Spiritualist medium
Be contented with the past, and with all it has brought to you.
Be thankful for the present, and for all you have.
Be patient for the future, and for all it promises to bring you.
Andrew Jackson Davis
Sitting in the Power
"Sitting in the Power" is a practice that was introduced to me and many others by a remarkable spiritual teacher, Glyn Edwards, who has since moved on to the higher realms.
This space and moment is an opportunity for you to reconnect with your own understanding of life, the Divine, God, or the Universe. While I am the host, this is your personal spiritual journey—whether you hold a particular faith, belief, or no belief at all, everyone is welcome.

Soul Rise is collection of poems that have evolved from a poem called Share. These have become expressions of the soul born to touch the soul of each reader.
After each expression there is a Soul Reflections page, designed so that readers can write down their own reflections with how the words may have touched, moved, or affected them in some way.
The poems invite you into a deeper understanding of self and of others, designed so you can share the expressions at your favourite spiritual gatherings, communities or with friends and family.

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